Blog Posts
What is Open Graph?
Introduction: The Magic Behind Social Media Previews Imagine you’re sharing a link to your latest blog post on social media. Instead of just a boring URL, a perfect preview appears—a catchy title, a brief description, and a striking image.
Simplify Multi-Container Applications with Docker Compose
Introduction Setting up and managing multiple Docker containers for an application can be really tough. For example, if you're working on a project with several services, each needing its own environment and dependencies, it can quickly become confusing and time-consuming to handle everything manual
AWS Elastic Beanstalk
Deploying web applications can be challenging, but AWS Elastic Beanstalk makes it easy. This managed service handles the hard work of deploying, managing, and scaling your applications.
Time Series Data and Time Series Database
Time series data is a collection of information points recorded at specific moments. This allows us to track how things change over time easily.